Our main projects
2022-till now
- Proposals for energy-efficient restoration of damaged buildings in Irpin.
- Ensuring the provision of 11 electric generators for the city of Irpin.
- Support and implementation of a plan for the technical development of the district heating system in Pavlograd.
- Proposals for improving monitoring and verification in Directive 2012/27 /EU on energy efficiency and general requirements for monitoring and verification in other EU directive (for Berlin Economics)
- Preparation of a plan for the technical development of the district heating system in Pavlograd.
- Preparation Fourth Annual Report under the Energy Efficiency Directive.
- Conducting trainings on capacity building in the topic of energy efficiency for SAEE and enterprises.
- Preparation of five feasibility studies for the implementation of energy efficiency improvement projects
- Monitoring and Evaluation of energy efficiency measures according to NEEAP (for GIZ)
- Assessment of the performance of the “warm loans” Program for HOAs and housing cooperatives (for GIZ)
- Preparation of explanations and document templates for banks and enterprises, which will help to quickly introduce a system of voluntary agreements in Ukraine.
- Proposals for the introduction of a system of certification of energy auditors (for conducting energy audits of enterprises).
- Proposals for exemption from the CO2 tax on biomass combustion.
- Preparation of changes to the legislation of Ukraine regarding the creation of the Enterprise Energy Modernization Fund (as a special fund of the state budget) and the modernization of the tax on CO2 emissions
- Developing recommendations for Energy efficiency measures in educational institutions (for GIZ).
- Preparation of the concept of support of energy efficiency for industrial enterprises of Ukraine on the basis of studying the experience of other countries.
- Preparation of changes to the legislation of Ukraine regarding the creation of the Enterprise Energy Modernization Fund (as a special fund of the State Budget) and the modernization of the tax on CO2 emissions.
- Preparation project implementation concept of construction solar power plant in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.
- Proposals on the improvement of the national mechanism for the support of renewable energy in the electricity sector, which is based on an analysis of foreign practices of RE support.
- Energy audit of residential buildings in Ivano-Frankivsk (for USAID) and public buildings in Uzhhorod.
- Preparation of energy efficiency indicators for Ukraine's reporting to the International Energy Agency.
- Support of gas substitution projects for five cities with district heating systems in the Kyiv region.
- Proposals for the modernization of the transformer substation in the Trolleybus and Tram Administration of Kramatorsk..