For the Berezov family, the 3D UTU company and the “Embrace of the Nation” Charity Foundation built a modern 3D house.
Inna Furman is the author of the idea, the engine of construction and the founder of a new direction in creating housing: PRINTING of houses. Getting used to the new terminology
The Center for Energy Security of Ukraine was in this house last fall, when there were no windows yet and interior work was just beginning. Now it is already a furnished space and a cozy atmosphere.
For many people, the walls and ceiling may be somewhat unusual, but the good work of the designers provided a very interesting combination of concrete, wood, glass and very interesting interior items.
And most importantly, the house has a class B energy efficiency certificate (if there was a heat pump, it would be class A)!
An additional energy audit with appropriate measurements will be carried out during the heating season - to confirm the calculated data.
The 3D house is a new technology for rapid construction, the Center continues to support the development of this direction of rapid restoration of destroyed housing.