Round table: Electromobility in public transport

On February 20, 2020, a roundtable discussion was held on the topic "State of development and urgent problems of electromobility in the field of public transport in Ukraine."

The round table was held on the basis of the Committee on Energy, Housing and Utilities. The purpose of the event was to analyze the European experience of switching public transport to electric transport and to find ways and tools to implement this in Ukraine.

The event was attended by Andrii Tsybulko and Yuliia Rybak from the Center for Energy Security of Ukraine.

The following decisions were made as a result of the roundtable:

  1. To develop and adopt a draft law on public procurement of energy-efficient environmentally friendly public transport;
  2. To develop and adopt a draft law on stimulating the development of energy-efficient environmentally friendly transport;
  3. create working groups on the basis of 3 ministries to develop changes to regulatory documents to stimulate the transition of enterprises subordinate to these ministries to energy-efficient and environmentally friendly transport;
  4. To stimulate the implementation of the national transport strategy, create a monitoring committee and, together with the committee members, develop a program for the implementation of the national transport strategy.


EV-UA - Ukrainian Association of Electric Vehicle Market Participants
AVE Ukraine. European Electric Vehicle Association of Ukraine. AVERE Ukraine
Agency of Energy Reforms of Ukraine
Federation of Automotive Employers of Ukraine

Support for domestic producers of electric buses