Center Marc Bloch: “Saving energy, ensuring energy supply in the context of multiple crises” At the invitation of Center Marc Bloch (Franco-German Research Center for Social Science Research) Berlin, Germany, Member of the Board, Tamara Burenko took part in the round-table “Saving energy, ens... Decarbonization Tamara Burenko
Preparation for the heating season in the city of Pavlograd District heating systems of Pavlograd is 100% technically ready for the 2023-2024 heating season. Municipal Enterprise "Pavlogradteploenergo" has prepared all boiler houses and networks to start work....
Ukrainian power system is fully synchronised with the European power network ENTSO-E The power systems of Ukraine and Moldova are fully synchronised with the Continental European network. The relevant decision was approved by the association of system operators ENTSO-E on 11 March 202...
Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law on the development of energy storage facilities The Verkhovna Rada adopted in the second reading and as a whole the Law on the Development of Energy Storage Facilities (hereinafter referred to as "ESF"), registration number 5436-d. The Law provides... energy storage
The Ministry of Energy initiates the creation of the Decarbonization Fund It is assumed that the Fund will be filled with a part of the tax on carbon dioxide emissions, and the funds from it will go exclusively to projects that lead to the reduction of CO2 emissions and hav... Decarbonization Fund
The Public Council under the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine was elected Constituent meetings on the formation of the Public Council under the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine were held. 32 representatives of energy-related public organizations were elected to the Public Coun...
Support for domestic producers of electric buses On August 18, 2020, Andrii Tsybulko, founder of the Center for Energy Security of Ukraine, visited the Electric Transport Infrastructure 2020: Windows of Opportunity exhibition, where he made a short ... Andrii Tsybulko electric buses state support
Round table: Electromobility in public transport On February 20, 2020, a roundtable discussion was held on the topic "State of development and urgent problems of electromobility in the field of public transport in Ukraine." The round table was held ... Andrii Tsybulko Electromobility Yulia Rybak state support
Presentation of Energodim program from the Energy Efficiency Fund All-Ukrainian Forum of the Energy Efficiency Fund was held, where the Energodim program (partial reimbursement of costs for energy efficiency measures in apartment buildings) was presented. The forum ... Fund
More than 15 Ukrainian associations opposed environmental manipulations and signed a Memorandum of Cooperation The signing took place on July 12, 2019, during the briefing "Environmental Manipulation: The Cost to Ukraine" held at the initiative of the Professional Association of Environmentalists of Ukraine at...